

"A tribute to Alexander McQueen, and inspired by one of China’s most beloved ancient love stories, this film is a meditation on obsession and metamorphosis. " Starring the Honourable, Daphne Guinness.

 This 8 minutes fable showcases some stunning looks from the late designer Alexander McQueen as well as other labels like Philip Treacy and Gareth Pugh Creative direction and costume design by GK Reid.


Preview of "The Legend of Lady White Snake" (part 2)


Beautiful Floating Wire Figures

  Keysook Geum, DREAM OF UTOPIA Installation
These floating sculptures are by Korean artist Keysook Geum
Made with paper wrapped wire, gems or beads and sometimes silk.



Hilarious, brilliant, unpredictable Reggie Watts!

... and the best SWEATER award goes to... Reggggie Watts!

Reggie Watts is a super talented hilarious comedian/beat boxer/musician ALL mix together. He has the most awesome hair and One-of-a-Kind sweaters!

Me & Reggie
Watts was the opening act for the Conan OʼBrien “Prohibited From Being Funny on Television” tour last year.  I had the pleasure to meet him.. well.. him AND his amazing hair! I must say, he is definitely one of the most entertaining person I have ever meet.  A naturally born funny one of a kind guy that you kind of wish you would be his friend.  As you can tell from this picture, his hair covers the top of my head! lol 

What I am trying to say is.. you should watch these video and be ready to be entertain in the most brilliant ways with Reggie Watts.. 

Reggie Watts iPhone "Pancakes" Song  SIRIUS XM (4 min)

Reggie Watts - Big Ass Purse (4 min)

Reggie Watts: A send-off in style (31 min)

